Friday, July 28, 2006

Biking mags from library

At the library today I got a bunch of kinda old (a few months) Bike and Mountain Bike mags from CCPL. IMCPL gets Bicycling, but they're always checked out. And I got a book on mtb repair... I could use it.

I just went to West Park, around the big loop, one of the water pathways, and did the big loop again. I did not go up the big hill becuase it's been raining a bit and it's soggy. I went the long way through Laurel Lakes, then went into West Village. I went by the pool, then back home.

Tm: 26 minutes
Mi: 5.56
Tp. Spd: 21.5mph
Av. Spd: 12.9mph

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