Saturday, August 05, 2006

Went into the Village of West Clay

I was planning on hitting the Town Run Trail for a few laps today, but after checking the HMBA forums, I didn't. Since we got .05" of rain on Thursday they want us to stay off it 'till Sunday. Oh well, next time...

So I went through West Village, out onto 131st St. and crossed Towne Rd. to go to the Village of West Clay. It's a pretty ritzy, up-scale neighboorhood with it's own restaurant, bank, courthouse, two pools, a golf course and a bunch of parks. The whole place is designed to look old, all of the houses on small lots with pretty good landscaping. At a certain point a kid (male, brown hair about 14 years old) with a red full-face helmet started up his motor scooter and started up the same street I was going. As he got closer I increased speed but he shot past me.

On the way out of the Village of West Clay, there was a biker (roadie, middle-aged male, overweight) with a white helmet and tanktop going the other way. He waved and nodded and I said hey, and went on.

After that I went back across Towne Rd., though West Village and circled the three Laurel Lakes.

Oh, BTW, check out the little flash flickr badge I put in the sidebar. It's showing pics of my bike.

Tm: 30 minutes
Mi: 6.02
Tp. Spd: 22.0pmh
Av. Spd: 11.9mph

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