Friday, June 09, 2006

I got my Enduro 8 and Podbag!

Earlier this morning I got an email from LED Shoppe's distributor CCNow, saying my head and taillight were shipped today. Later this afternoon I got my CatEye Enduro 8 cyclocomputer and Nashbar Podbag from Nashabar. So, I raced out to the garage and hooked both of them up! The Podbag went on fairly easily, but the clamp was a little too short for the seat bars that it attaches to. It was so minor, but it's going to be at a slight angle. So, I angled it so it will be more even when my bike is leaning on the kick-stand. I also had to angle my rear reflector more toward the ground to get the bag to fit. Then I started on the cyclocomputer. It took me a while to get the display mounted, because the first time I put it backwards, then I had to adjust the tightness band. Then I placed the sensor and measured the right distance (5mm) for the magnet. The magnet screws into a little plastic piece that has a notch for a spoke. Then I tied down the cable as well as possible. I had a little extra play in the cable, so I routed it little bit differently than the instructions indicated. Then I took it for a quick spin around the first Laurel Lake. It works great! I'm going to keep a little indicator on front page of my blog that shows the total miles that I've traveled, and the highest speed I have attained. I'm also going to record the miles that I rode in each entry.

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